Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mission #3, Odds and Ends

 Just some final notes on Mission #3.

Mechs have been selected for Mission #4.  Here is the updated Mechbay.  Added Notes on some mechs called "ArmFlip"  Mechs that do not have lower arm or Hand acuators in both arms have the ability to flip their arms to their rear firing arc during the target selection phase.  Reminded myself of the rule when we added the Blackjack and Jagermech to the ranks.  Yes, you have to flip both arms if you are doing this.

 Mechwarrior Roster has been updated with Skills.  Jeff need your selection for your 2nd regular skill choice.

Mech History...

Finally Clan Salvage.  Anytime you have a complete clan mech, I'll pull the stuff off this salvage list and put it on the MechBay Sheet.  This will get more confusing as you get more Clan salvage.

That's all for now...Up next Mission #4 Primer.

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