Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mission #7: Killboard, Roster and Mech Selection order

Well done boys!  That was a close one, you managed to drop both Clan Stars at a pretty high price. Maverick will be missed, but the stand he made in his Penetrator against Star Captain Gehrig in his Warhammer IIC was epic.  It was unfortunate he was under that bridge when his ammo cooked off triggering his ejection.

First up the Killboard. This is it set in stone, don't like it too bad.  Kills are awarded for bold actions, doing or saying something that makes most or everyone in the room laugh, and whenever I feel like it.  Anyways here it is for Mission #7.

And the current mech roster.  Command will be sending us a replacement for Maverick.  (OOC: If you have a yellow area next to your name, you need to let me know what you would like added or changed.  Meaning, Larry, Scott and Fab...Do you want the 3 gunnery or maybe drop your piloting by 2.  Also Larry and Scott I need your veteran skill from the skill page.  You may take a 3rd regular skill if you wish...dunno why but you never know.  Likewise Fab, need your three skills.  I need the skills BEFORE I release the list of new mechs you will be getting, so please get picking.  Email me your selections or reply to the blog.  Also Dereck, if you write up your character dossier you can bump up to 10 kills and have all the benefits...3 gunnery, and 3rd skill.)

 More OOC:  We had 5 players help me push Smoke Jaguar mechs, but I didn't keep track of how many player kills those guys to be fair I'm awarding 1 Blue Falcon award for each of those 5 (Mitch, Jay, Jeff, Gregg and Lee.)  So when we have the new is the selection order.

1) Mitch (Blue Falcon, jumps over Fab)
2) Fab (Dead Mechwarrior rule)
3) Jay (Tied with Kyle...tie breaker goes to Kyle with more kills in the last mission, but Jay uses BF)
4) Kyle
5) Scott
6) Larry
7) Dereck
8) Gregg (BF over Derek)
9) Jeff  (BF over Derek...ouch)
10) Lee (BF over Derek...ummm, wow)
11) Derek (who must be sore)

So here we are...Skill guys, pick your skills and then I'll tell you what new mechs command is shipping us.

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